Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Bon Appetit green issue

Check out Bon Appetit's February "The Green Issue." You can't borrow mine, I drooled all over the pages with recipes. There are some great articles in there from the best eco-friendly restaurants in the country (unfortunately there wasn't one in St.Louis mentioned), a listing of in season fruits and veggies, to an article called "Why I'm not a vegetarian."

Here are some recipes that were featured in the magazine. (click the name for the link)

who doesn't love pancakes?

1 comment:

B-Rye said...

While they didn't mention a restaurant in St. Louis, there is one about 90 miles east in Illinois. I don't have the magazine with me right now, but I figure if a St. Louisan is driving out there anyway, it would be worth a detour to get a meal prepared with ingredients grown out back.

It's a good issue, I encourage readers of the site to at least browse it at a newstand.