Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How to Cook Tofu

Does anybody have any suggestions for cooking tofu in a way that it absorbs the flavor of the dish?

This article seems to be pretty helpful with understanding how to cook with tofu.

1 comment:

stl Eatniks said...

Lizzy says...

I dunno about sesame tofu, but I personally like lightly stirfrying it. I'm actually fairly terrible at making my tofu really seasoned (it tends to taste pretty bland). Usually I just end up cooking it in olive oil with vegetables and sometimes fresh lemon juice.

One thing I really like is tofu in curries—it's pretty easy, and since curry has such a strong flavor, the tofu tends to pick it up really well. I make an apple-tofu curry, with cinnamon and rice milk instead of coconut milk, which is an interesting blend of spicy and sweet. I also put in some lightly sauteed onions and raisins.

I've also made this pineapple-ginger tofu bake before. It took a really long time, because I baked it in a really deep pan, but it was really good. I needed more people to make it. (